Enforcement of bicycle laws and ordinances




ISSN der Zeitschrift



Australian Road Research Board


A summary of discussions on enforcement issues with bicycle specialists in the U.S. during a two week study visit for, and assisted by, the Geelong Bike Plan. Education and enforcement plans appeared to be indissoluble, and social attitudes towards cyclists have a major influence on both aspects. Details of bicycle accident types (notably the work of K.C. Cross) has been swiftly taken up by educational planners, but similar analysis and application of enforcement efforts and their safety outcome has not yet gained the same support. Data from California, Montana and Michigan is compared with Geelong, and a number of similarities noted. The framework of bicycle laws and ordinances is now well coordinated between U.S. States. The use of non-criminal violation codes, peer courts, and parental warnings for bicycle enforcement are gaining support. The use of non-police (and sometimes also voluntary) enforcement officers offers a means of extending enforcement effort without greater demands on police resources. Integration of enforcement and education programs, with subsequent evaluation effort, is recommended for Australia.


29 p. Illustrations


Cycling -- Law and legislation -- United States, Bicycles -- Law and legislation -- United States, Law enforcement -- United States, Urban transportation policy -- United States, Cycling -- Australia -- Geelong (Vic.) -- Planning, Cycling -- Law and legislation -- Australia -- Geelong (Vic.), Bicycles -- Law and legislation -- Australia -- Geelong (Vic.), Law enforcement -- Australia -- Geelong (Vic.)
