LEAP: Salem Local Energy Assurance Plan


The City of Salem relies on a range of energy sources to support and protect local residents, businesses, and government facilities. Accordingly, secure supplies of energy (e.g., electricity, gasoline, diesel fuel, natural gas, propane) to critical facilities/infrastructure, especially during emergency events, is of crucial importance to all segments of the community. An energy assurance plan is essentially a plan for how the City will recover and restore energy services to critical functions and facilities/infrastructure within a predetermined time after a partial or complete energy supply interruption. The Plan identifies critical facilities and critical infrastructure needing back-up power generation capacity to ensure continued operation during emergency events. The Plan establishes short-term communication protocols, actions and priorities by which critical facilities/infrastructure will be reā€energized after a disruption, as well as long-term strategies for making critical facilities and critical infrastructure less vulnerable to disruptions of mainline energy sources.


122 pages


LEAP, Energy assurance, Energy development -- Oregon -- Salem, Local energy, Emergency management -- Oregon -- Salem, Energy supply
