Independent Replication of Phylogeographies: How Repeatable Are They?




ISSN der Zeitschrift



University of Oregon


Herein we tested the repeatability of RAD-seq phylogeographic construction by creating a second, independent phylogeography of the pitcher-plant mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii. We sampled 25 populations drawn from different localities nearby previous collection sites and used these new data to construct a second, independent phylogeography to test the reproducibility of phylogenetic patterns. Our previous phylogeography was based on 3,741 phylogenetically informative markers from 21 populations and rooted with mitochondrial COI. The present phylogeography was based on 16,858 informative markers and rooted with RAD-seq. We found correspondence between clades at the extremes of W. smithii's distribution; however, there were several discrepancies between the trees, including the refugium that gave rise to all post-glacial populations. We observed that combining all 46 populations resolved these discrepancies and, equally importantly, that extensive taxon sampling in areas of historical importance is more valuable than increasing the number of informative sites in establishing an accurate, robust phylogeography. This thesis includes unpublished co-authored material.



Phylogenetics, Phylogeography, RAD-seq, Replication
