Browsing Decision Research Faculty Works by Subject "Overconfidence"


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  • Fischhoff, Baruch; MacGregor, Donald G.; Lichtenstein, Sarah (Decision Research, 1983-04)
    People tend to be inadequately sensitive to the extent of their own knowledge. This insensitivity typically emerges as overconfidence. That is, people's assessments of the probability of having answered questions ...
  • Svenson, Ola; Eriksson, Gabriella; Slovic, Paul; Mertz, C. K.; Fuglestad, Tina (Society for Judgment and Decision Making, 2012-05)
    Subjects who judged speed in a driving scenario overestimated how fast they could decelerate when speeding compared to when keeping within the speed limit (Svenson, 2009). The purpose of the present studies were to replicate ...

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