Canby, Oregon Planning Documents

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    Canby Notice of Adopted Amendment (2015-10-09)
    (City of Canby, 2015-10-09) Canby (Or.)
    Canby Notice of Adopted Amendment (2013-02-21)
    (City of Canby, 2013-02-21) Canby (Or.)
    Canby Notice of Adopted Amendment (2009-09-29)
    (Canby, 2009-09-29) Canby (Or.)
    Zoning Text amendment to create a Type I (ministerial) permit process and regulations for temporary vendor activity on private property. (Ord.No. 1315) Fee Schedule amendment to add a fee for processing a Temporary Vendor Permit application and a fee for processing a Temporary Vendor Renewal application. (Res.No. 1044)
    Canby Notice of Adopted Amendment (2006-11-06)
    (Canby, 2006-11-06) Canby (Or.)
    Canby Notice of Adopted Amendment (2010-04-14)
    (Canby, 2010-04-14) Canby (Or.)
    Canby Notice of Adopted Amendment (2009-01-21)
    (Canby, 2009-01-21) Canby (Or.)
    Amendment to the Canby Land Development and Planning Ordinance (Title 16) for the purpose of amending Canby's sign regulations.
    Canby Notice of Adopted Amendment (2009-06-24)
    (Canby, 2009-06-24) Canby (Or.)
    Amendment to the Planning Department Fee Schedule, specifically adding or correcting the following: 1. Add a cost reimbursement fee for Transportation Analysis; 2. Add a cost reimbursement fee for Legal Review of Development Agreements and Development Concept Plans; 3. Correct the fee collected for a Minor Modification application; 4. Delete the reference to "minor" and "major" Annexation applications; and 5. Correct the example fees listed for a Subdivision application and for a Site and Design Review application.
    Canby Notice of Adopted Amendment (2009-03-23)
    (Canby, 2009-03-23) Canby (Or.)
    Amendment to the Canby Land Development and Planning Ordinance (Title 16) for the purpose of expanding an existing off-street parking exemption area to cover an additional two city blocks in Canby's C-l (Downtown Commercial) Zoning District. In this exemption area, no off-street vehicle parking is required for outright permitted uses. Conditional uses are not exempt from the off-street vehicle parking requirements.
    Canby Notice of Adopted Amendment (2007-05-14)
    (Canby, 2007-05-14) Canby (Or.)
    The application requests a change in zoning designation to R-2, consistent with the "High Density Residential" Comprehensive Plan designation. The Property is currently zoned R-l (Low Density Residential).
    Canby Notice of Adopted Amendment (2007-02-26)
    (Canby, 2007-02-26) Canby (Or.)
    Proposal to ammend the zoning map for the western 330 feet of tax lot 5200 of T4S, R1E, Section 4DA. The approved zone map change from Low Density Residential (R-l) to Medium Density Residential (R-1.5) is consistent with the Canby Comprehensive Plan. No Comp. Plan ammendment is required.
    Canby Notice of Adopted Amendment (2007-04-16)
    (Canby, 2007-04-16) Canby (Or.)
    The "code update" amendment was fairly minor modifications to Canby's Land Development and Planning Ordinance (Canby Municipal Code Title 16). Some of the modifications fix typographical errors or inconsistencies, some implement previous code interpretations, and others will help better define land use application procedures. No impacts to City zoning or growth are anticipated. The last similar application was processed in 2002.
    The City of Canby natural hazards mitigation plan addendum
    (City of Canby (Or.), 2009-10) Oregon Partnership for Disaster Resilience
    The City of Canby Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan includes resources and information to assist city residents, public and private sector organizations, and others interested in participating in planning for natural hazards. The mitigation plan provides a list of activities that may assist the City of Canby in reducing risk and preventing loss from future natural hazard events. Canby has developed this plan as an addendum to the Multi-Jurisdictional Clackamas County Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan in an effort to take a more regional approach to planning for natural hazard scenarios.
    City of Canby Willamette wayside properties master plan
    (City of Canby (Or.), 2004-08) University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop; Seilo, Paul; Eng, Emily; Jordan, Jess; Onsgaard, Greta; DeBell, Sharon; Shaklee, Joshua; Chu, Pauline; Parker, Bob; Diethelm, Jerry
    Canby park and open space acquisition plan
    (City of Canby (Or.), 2002-01) University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop
    Canby : Design standards draft
    (City of Canby (Or.), 2008-04-08) Canby (Or.)
    The Design Standards Project originated as a grant from the Canby Urban Renewal Agency (URA) to Canby Business Development (CBD) in December 2006, to hire consultants and form a task force to create new development and design standards for lands within the historic commercial core of Canby. The objective of the project was to encourage economic vitality and revitalize Canby’s commercial center through consistent and compatible building design, landscaping, and signage, which will help keep businesses competitive in the commercial marketplace. [From the document]
    Canby : Public facilities plan
    (City of Canby (Or.), 2006-04) Canby (Or.); Cogan Owens Cogan (Firm)
    A public facility plan, as defined in OAR 660-11-0005 (1), is "a support document or documents to a comprehensive plan. The facility plan describes the water, sewer and transportation facilities which are to support the land uses designated in the appropriate acknowledged comprehensive plans within an urban growth boundary containing a population greater than 2,500. Certain elements of the public facility plan also shall be adopted as part of the comprehensive plan, as specified in OAR 660-11-045."
    Canby : Park and open space acquisition plan
    (City of Canby (Or.), 2003-02-11) Canby (Or.); University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop
    The Purpose of the Park and Open Space Acquisition Plan is to provide Canby with a framework for land acquisition over the next 20 years. Specifically, the Plan: identifies park and open space need at the community and neighborhood level; incorporates public input as a component of park and open space need; identifies park and open space issues and opportunities for six sub-areas of Canby; establishes a framework for evaluating park and open space acquisition priorities; identifies funding strategies for park and open space acquisitions; and provides a five year implementation plan for the City's park and open space acquisition program. [From the Plan]
    Canby: Canby urban renewal plan
    (City of Canby (Or.), 1999-11-24) Canby (Or.); Spencer & Kupper
    The Canby Urban Renewal Plan consists of Part One - Text and Part Two - Exhibits. The Canby City Council acts as the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Canby, Oregon. This Plan has been prepared pursuant to Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) Chapter 457, the Oregon Constitution, and all applicable laws and ordinances of the State of Oregon and City of Canby respectively. All such applicable laws and ordinances are made a part of this Plan, whether expressly referred to in the text or not. [From the Plan]
    Canby : Comprehensive plan
    (City of Canby (Or.), 2007-01) Canby (Or.); Canby (Or.). Planning Dept.
    This is the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Canby. It represents a major step in a planning process which began in 1973. It is not a final step, by any means, but a major step in that this document will be the guiding force of City planning for the foreseeable future. It has been amended since its initial adoption in 1981 and it will continue to be amended, from time to time, as new information becomes available. [From the Plan]
    Canby : Transportation system plan
    (City of Canby (Or.), 2000-04-19) Canby (Or.)
    In accordance with the Transportation Planning Rule (TPR), OAR 660 Division 12, a comprehensive analysis of the transportation system within the City of Canby has been prepared. Included is an analysis of existing conditions, identification of short-term and long-term transportation system improvements, a transportation system plan, a transportation finance plan, and a description of the transportation system plan's compliance with the Transportation Planning rule. [From the Plan]