Manzanita, Oregon Planning Documents

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    Manzanita Notice of Adopted Amendment (2014-04-16)
    (City of Manzanita, 2014-04-16) Manzanita (Or.)
    Manzanita Notice of Adopted Amendment (2010-05-12)
    (Manzanita, 2010-05-12) Manzanita (Or.)
    Deletes provisions in Zoning Ordinance 95-4 relating to standards for maintaining a permit/license for a short term rental, which the City considers not to be a land use matter. The City is sending this notice in the event it is determined in the future that this is a land use matter and notice should have been given. The City needs to implement this before the end of May so that the new standards may be in effect before the next short term rental permit/license renewal date on August 1st.
    Manzanita Notice of Adopted Amendment (2011-11-15)
    (Manzanita, 2011-11-15) Manzanita (Or.)
    Amends Zoning Ordinance 95-4 to change the number of off-street parking spaces required for commercial developments in the Commercial zone; creates additional yard setback requirements for commercial buildings; creates floor area ratio limitations for commercial and mixed use developments in the Commercial zone.
    Manzanita Notice of Adopted Amendment (2010-05-12)
    (Manzanita, 2010-05-12) Manzanita (Or.)
    Creates procedures and standards for maintaining a permit/license for a short term rental, which the City considers not to be a land use matter. The City is sending this notice in the event it is determined in the future that this is a land use matter and notice should have been given. The City needs to implement this before the end of May so that the new standards may be in effect before the next short term rental permit/license renewal date on August 1st.
    Manzanita Notice of Adopted Amendment (2006-09-25)
    (Manzanita, 2006-09-25) Manzanita (Or.)
    Amends Comprehensive Plan to clarify process for review and update of Plan: amends Zoning Ordinance to clarify allowable building size in R-3 and R-4 zones: changes personal and business service establishments to outright allowed uses in commercial zone: adds SR-R zone to residential area where short term rentals are limited: clarifies regulations for nonconforming structures.
    Manzanita Notice of Adopted Amendment (2006-09-25)
    (Manzanita, 2006-09-25) Manzanita (Or.)
    Amends Comprehensive Plan to clarify design review rules for landscaping in public right-of-way; amends sign regulations to conform with recent Court rulings; for commercial and mixed used developments in the commercial zone, clarifies design review procedures and adds standards of review
    Manzanita : Zoning code
    (City of Manzanita (Or.), 2006-10-18) Manzanita (Or.)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government's comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents under their own titles. In some cases the sections pertaining to subdivision of land may be included in the zoning ordinance.
    Manzanita : Downtown Transportation Plan
    (City of Manzanita (Or.), 2003-06) Manzanita (Or.); Oregon. Dept. of Transportation; CH2M Hill, inc.; Alta Planning and Design; Angelo Eaton & Associates
    The Manzanita Downtown Transportation Plan addresses key transportation issues in the City of Manzanita. These include improvements to the U.S. 101 intersections with Laneda and Manzanita Avenues, north and south extensions of Classic Street, and the Laneda Avenue street design. The plan reflects the goals and vision of Manzanita's community members, who participated through project advisory committee meetings and a public open house. The plan's goals are: improve mobility, safety, and accessibility for all travel modes; improve pedestrian and bicycle circulation and facilities; provide for improvements that are implementable and comply with applicable standards. [From the Plan]