Silverton : Downtown master plan


The Silverton Downtown Development Plan has been identified by policy makers, citizens and business groups as a critical piece of Silverton's long range planning efforts. The Plan was formulated to accompany the City of Silverton's Comprehensive Plan.... The Downtown Development Master Plan evaluates and recommends development standards and design guidelines such as building height, orientation, required building materials, pedestrian and bicycle connectivity, streetscapes and other development standards. To achieve this, the plan considers public input, previous plans, marketing studies, and economic development. The plan also looks to enhance multi-modal transportation in the downtown area. This effort will help to improve traffic flow for pedestrians, bicyclists and vehicular traffic. In addition, new design standards for development will reinforce transportation planning by orienting buildings to the street and making connections to streets. [From the Plan]


184 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes maps and figures. Published June, 2007. Captured March 19, 2008.


Urban transportation -- Oregon -- Planning, Land use -- Oregon -- Silverton -- Planning, Transportation -- Oregon -- Silverton -- Planning, Northwest Silverton (Silverton, Or.), Central business districts -- Oregon -- Silverton, Community development -- Oregon -- Silverton, City planning -- Oregon -- Silverton
