North Berry Creek unilateral right-of-way and road construction permit environmental assessment


Swanson Group, LLC proposes construction of an extension to BLM Road No. 29-7-7.0 in Section 7, T. 29 S., R. 7 W. The road extension, approximately 675 feet in length, would be temporary and unsurfaced, and located primarily on a ridge top location. Approximately 440 feet of construction would be located on BLM-managed lands, as the proposed road route crosses back and forth at three locations along the property line between BLM lands and the Delores P. Loftin Trust lands that are to be logged. This action would be authorized under an O&C Right-of-Way Permit. BLM timber cut in association with the road construction would be purchased by Swanson Group, LLC through a negotiated timber sale. BLM-controlled roads to be used for timber hauling would include Road Nos. 29-7-7.0, 29-7-18.2 and 29-8-1.0.


31 pp. Tables, appendices, references, map. Section 7, T. 29 S., R. 7 W. Captured January 28, 2008.


Forest roads -- Oregon -- Roseburg Region, Right of way -- Oregon -- Roseburg Region, Public lands -- Oregon -- Roseburg Region
