Subfossil chironomid calibration data set from the Intermountain West Name: Jamila Baig ORCID: Institution: University of Oregon Address: Department of Geography, 1251 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403 USA Name: Daniel Gavin ORCID: Institution: University of Oregon Address: Department of Geography, 1251 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403 USA Email: Date of file preparation: 2024-11-11 Was data derived from another source? Chironomid assemblage data are from Haskett and Porinchu (2014). Site location, elevation, and assigned mean July air temperature are from Baig et al. (in press). Citation: Haskett, D. R., and D. F. Porinchu. 2014. A quantitative midge-based reconstruction of mean July air temperature from a high-elevation site in central Colorado, USA, for MIS 6 and 5. Quaternary Research 82:580–591. Baig, J., D. G. Gavin, I. R. Walker, and D. F. Porinchu. (n.d.). Chironomid-inferred postglacial temperature reconstruction from Gold Lake, Oregon, USA. Quaternary Research in press. METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION Subfossil chironomid (non-biting midges) head capsules are ubiquitous and well preserved in lake sediment. Because many of these taxa are stenothermal with respect to summer air temperature (when larvae develop), species assemblages preserved in lake sediment records may be used to reconstruct air temperature. However, such reconstructions requires a calibration data set derived from surface sediments from a network of lakes. Haskett and Porinchu (2014) developed a 91-lake database of fossil chironomids which has not yet been publically archived. As part of a study of reconstructing air temperature at Gold Lake (Oregon) over the Holocene, Baig et al. (in press) utilized this dataset. In using the dataset, site locations and elevations were corrected at some sites. These corrections were used to develop updated estimates of mean July air temperature (MJAT) at each lake using downscale-adjusted (using local lapse rates) estimates from PRISM climate grids using the ClimateWNA software (Wang et al. 2016). These corrections improved the model fit for the purpose of reconstructing air temperature. PRISM Climate Group., 2020. PRISM Climate Group. Oregon State University. Wang, T., A. Hamann, D. Spittlehouse, and C. Carroll. 2016. Locally downscaled and spatially customizable climate data for historical and future periods for North America. PLOS ONE 11:e0156720. Future efforts may place these data into the Neotoma Paleoecology Database. Related data set: Gold Lake chironomid data set: Keywords Paleoclimate; Chironomid; Lake sediment DATA AND FILE OVERVIEW IMW-chironomid.csv DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: IMW-chironomid.csv Number of variables: 69 Number of rows: 91 Variable list: Lake Code: Code from Haskett and Porinchu (2014) Name: Lake name, if name exists Latitude and Longitude on the WGS84 datum Elevation: m above sea level MJAT: Mean July air temperature, estimated from ClimateWNA software Columns 7-69: Percentages of chironomid taxa in the surface samples. Values sum to 100%. Taxon codes from these columns are given below. Taxa Code Taxon Apedind Apedilum Chaeto Chaetocladius Chirind Chironomus Chphgrp Cyphomella/Harnischia/Paracladopelma Cladind Cladopelma Cladtany Cladotanytarsus Colivtyp Corynocera oliveri type Cory/Th Corynoneura/Thienemanniella Corynamb Corynocera nr. ambigua Cric/Ort Cricotopus/Orthocladius Diamind Diamesa Dicrind Dicrotendipes Diplind Diplocladius Doi/Pseu Doithrix/Pseudorthocladius Einfel Einfeldia Endoch Endochironomus Euk/Tvet Eukiefferiella/Tvetenia Glypind Glyptotendipes Heteind Heterotrissocladius Hyd/Oliv Hydrobaenus/Oliveridia Labrind Labrundinia Lim/Para Limnophyes/Paralimnophyes Micpsect Micropsectra Mictind Microtendipes Monoind Monodiamesa Nanoind Nanocladius Pagaind Pagastiella Paraind Paracladius Paratany Paratanytarus Park bat Parakiefferiella bathophila type Parorth Paraorthocladius Pentind Pentaneurini (other) Phaeind Phaenopsectra Polyind Polypedilum Procind Procladius Psecall Psectrocladius (Allospectrocladius) Psecmono Psectrocladius (Monopsectrocladius) Psecsemi Psectrocladius semicirculatus/sordidellus Psecsept Psectrocladius septentrionalis type PsecWalk Psectrocladius (Walker) Rheoind Rheocricotopus Sergind Sergentia Smit/Ps Smittia/Pseudosmittia Stemind Stempellina Sticind Stictochironomus StZvgrp Stempellinella/Zavrelia type Sympind Symposiocladius Synoind Synorthocladius TAA Tanytarsus type A TAB Tanytarsus type B TAC Tanytarsus type C TAD Tanytarsus type D TAE Tanytarsus type E TAG Tanytarsus type G TAH Tanytarsus type H TAK Tanytarsus type K Tany A/C Tanytasus A/C type Tany chi Tanytarsus chinyensis type Tanyind Tanytarsus undifferentiated Triss Trissocladius unk.orth.MLC Unknown Orthocladinae MLC unknown1 unknown1 Zaluind Zalutschia