Lollini, Massimo, 1954-2011-07-162011-07-162004“The order of Writing and Death in Pirandello’s Il fu Mattia Pascal,” in PSA The Journal of the Pirandello Society of America, XVII (2004), 43-54. essay examines the philosophical dimension of Pirandello's idea of writing and the different literary genres included in II fu Mattia Pascal (1904). The analysis begins with Pirandello's representation of journalism in the moment in which Mattia discovers his "death"; it continues with the bureaucratic writing responsible for Mattia's social identity, and finally it focuses on the tomb inscription that concludes the novel. What role does Pirandello attribute to writing in the search for human identity? How does writing relate to death as a fundamental theme of II fu Mattia Pascal? What are the implications of Pirandello's order of writing for the autobiographical dimension of the novel?Pirandello, Luigi, 1867-1936. Fu Mattia PascalFu Mattia PascalAutobiographyDeath in literature"The order of Writing and Death in Pirandello’s Il fu Mattia Pascal”Article