Peizer, Ross2015-07-102015-07-102015-06 pagesQuality short-­‐term bike parking has a number of benefits including promoting bicycling as a means of transportation and creating an organized and predictable public streetscape which are both beneficial to businesses. In addition, on-­‐street bike corrals are beneficial in commercial areas where bike parking is encroaching on the pedestrian realm. On-­‐street bike corrals can also provide greater visibility for those driving, walking or bicycling when placed at an intersection. For this study I evaluated Eugene’s bike parking and bike corral efforts and compared them to bike parking and corral programs in Portland and Seattle. To do this I interviewed key staff members in Eugene, Seattle and Portland. I also surveyed business owners and managers at businesses with and without corrals on their block in Eugene and their customers to find out business and customer perceptions of bike parking in Eugene. The seven interviews, 24 business surveys and 402 customer surveys I received provided 20 Key Findings and 4 Implications that helped inform 10 Recommendations for Eugene to have a more successful bike parking and corral program based on best practices and business and customer feedback.en-USCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USFrom Perceptions To Best Practices: Next Steps For On-Street Bike Parking In Commercial Areas In Eugene, OregonTerminal Project