Fink, David L.2005-10-112005-10-111990-090896-2863 127-134Multiple personality disorder (MPD) has at times been confused with both schizophrenia (SCHIZ) and borderline personality disorder (BPD). In this study, 38 patients with DSM-III-R diagnosis of MPD (N=16), SCHIZ (N = 11) were evaluated with a battery of structured interviews (SCID, DDIS) and psychometric tests (MMPI, MCMI, DES) in order to define distinguishing features among the three diagnostic groups. MPD was differentiated from SCHIZ on the great majority of test measures. MPD was not differentiated from BPD on MMPI or MCMI, but these groups differed in many clinical features, particularly measures of severity of abuse and dissociative symptoms.569977 bytesapplication/pdfen-USDissociation : Vol. 3, No. 3, p. 127-134 : MPD, borderline personality disorder and shizophrenia: a comparative study of clinical featuresMPD, borderline personality disorder and shizophrenia: a comparative study of clinical featuresArticle