Wacks, David A.2010-02-182010-02-182010Wacks, David. “Toward a History of Hispano-Hebrew Literature of Christian Iberia in the Romance Context.” eHumanista 14 (2010): 178-209. Print.15405877https://hdl.handle.net/1794/10199Wacks proposes a new, comprehensive look at the Romance context of the Hebrew Literature of Christian Iberia. He surveys the extant criticism and provides an overview of key texts and their relationship to vernacular literary and cultural practices. Along the way, he provides some explanation for the intellectual and institutional practices that, until recently, have discouraged such an approachen-USHispano-Hebrew literatureLiteratura hispano-hebreaSefaradMedieval Spanish literatureMedieval Hebrew literatureSephardic literatureHebrew literature of Christian IberiaJudah al-HariziJudah ibn ShabbetaiJoseph ibn ZabaraIsaac ibn SahulaHebraistas españolesSpanish HebraistsJacob ben ElazarTodros AbulafiaShem Tov Ardutiel de CarriónVidal BenvenistSolomon ibn VergaToward a History of Hispano-Hebrew Literature in its Romance ContextArticle