Pridmore-Brown, Philip2010-02-242010-02-242010-02-24 paper was completed as part of the final research component in the University of Oregon Applied Information Management Master's Degree Program [see htpp://].Semantic web technologies provide flexible tools and approaches for modeling enterprise tacit knowledge. Literature published after 2000 identifies three primary types of ontologies: (a) upper level, describing general or common concepts, (b) mid level, extending upper level concepts to a domain space, and (c) lower level, or domain specific, that define the nuances to an organization or domain (Kiryakov, Simov, & Dimitrov, 2001). Tools and ontologies are cataloged in an inventory, including advantages and disadvantages.en-USSemantic web technologiesEnterprise tacit knowledgeOntologiesApplied Information ManagementAIMDataAn Inventory of Semantic Models (Ontologies) for Use When Managing Enterprise Tacit KnowledgeOther