Wagner, DavidGish, John2020-02-272020-02-272020-02-27https://hdl.handle.net/1794/25233This three-paper dissertation investigates dynamic performance in uncertain situations. Each chapter in this dissertation represents a stand-alone paper. The first chapter combines literature on sleep processes with decision making in uncertain contexts to create a process model of sleep and uncertainty management. I highlight many mechanisms between sleep and uncertainty management, and explore the recursive relationship between these activities and subsequent sleep. The underexplored mechanisms in Chapter 1 provide the empirical impetus for Chapters 2 and 3. The second chapter investigates entrepreneurs in new venture settings, providing causal evidence for the effect of sleep restriction on new venture ideation and belief formation. The third and final chapter provides a constructive replication of the second chapter in an angel investing context, where beliefs about new venture potential are formed more frequently and more formally by investors. These chapters work together to inform our collective understanding of dynamic performance in a decidedly uncertain new venture context. This dissertation contains both previously published and unpublished co-authored material.en-USAll Rights Reserved.entrepreneurshipopportunity belief formationopportunity ideationsleepWithin-person Differences in Uncertainty Management, New Venture Ideation and Initial Belief FormationsElectronic Thesis or Dissertation