Robertson, Julia M.2008-06-112008-06-112008-06 p. Examining committee chair: Dr. Patricia DeweyThis graduate research project serves as a guide for emerging leaders and arts administrators in understanding audience development and community engagement initiatives of symphony orchestras. Studies have shown a consistent decline in symphony orchestra audiences over the past few decades, as well as a shift from “outreach” to “community engagement.” This project explores current issues supported by information discovered through an extensive literature review. The conceptual framework provides an overview of societal issues that contribute to the problem of declining and changing audiences in symphony orchestras. This study presents a collective case study of the San Francisco Symphony, Oregon Symphony, and Seattle Symphony, and culminates in a set of recommendations for symphony orchestras interested in implementing innovative community engagement initiatives in their organizations.2086167 bytesapplication/pdfen-USAudience development initiativesCommunity engagement initiativesOutreachSymphony orchestras -- California -- San FranciscoWest CoastArts participationArts audiencesSymphony orchestras -- Oregon -- PortlandSymphony orchestras -- Washington (State) -- SeattleCommunity Engagement Initiatives: Exploring Audience Development in West Coast Symphony OrchestrasOther