Lonhart, Mary Claire2020-09-292020-09-292020https://hdl.handle.net/1794/2577778 pagesWellness programs in the workplace seek to improve an employee’s financial, social, mental and physical health through various forms of activities in and outside of the office. The increasing implementation of company sponsored wellness programs in the workplace has resulted in a disconnect between company motivation, as understood largely through incentives, and their perceived motives by employees. By researching the relationship between employee’s emotional response to company-sponsored wellness programs and employee engagement and commitment to their organization, I propose that company perceived motives may play an impactful role in employee outcomes. Specifically, I argue that, through wellness programs, organizations have the potential to influence employee engagement if promoted effectively and perceived well. The objective of this research is to gain an understanding on how perceptions of an organization’s motive for launching a wellness program influence employee’s emotion and, ultimately, their engagement at work. Utilizing a vignette study—and preliminarily investigated in a real organization—I theorize and test this idea. Results suggest that employees’ emotions are not systematically affected by my proposed organizational motives (wellbeing-focused motive and financial-focused motive). Therefore, further research needs to be conducted to understand more precisely how employees react to their organization’s promotions of wellness programs. Still, my work sets a foundation for considering this perspective and illuminates important considerations for organizations and researchers alike. Based on my theorizing and results, organizations should be mindful of the influence their programs have on organizationally relevant outcomes—particularly employee engagement.en-USSocial ScienceWellness ProgramsWellnessMotivationInterestEngagementWorkplaceInterestAnnoyanceMotivation Matters: Wellness in the WorkplaceThesis/Dissertation