Mershon, SusanRaad, Maureen F.2006-02-032006-02-032004-06 p. Review produced for HC 441: Science Colloquium: Willamette River Environmental Health, Robert D. Clark Honors College, University of Oregon, Spring term, 2004.A print copy of the reviewed thesis is available through the UO Libraries under the call number: KNIGHT QH541.5.R52 R3 199912282 bytesapplication/pdfen-USWillamette River (Or.)Floods -- Oregon -- Willamette RiverReview of Flood damage reduction and riparian floodplain forest restoration : selecting focal areas and setting restoration goals on Oregon's Willamette RiverFlood damage reduction and riparian floodplain forest restoration : selecting focal areas and setting restoration goals on Oregon's Willamette RiverArticle