Independence (Or.)Parametrix, Inc.2008-03-042008-03-042007-06 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes maps and figures. Published June, 2007. Captured February 1, 2008.The Independence Transportation System Plan (TSP) establishes the City’s goals, policies and action strategies for developing and improving the transportation system within the Independence Urban Growth Boundary. The Independence TSP outlines a twenty-year plan to guide transportation improvements and to enhance general mobility throughout this city of over 7,000 residents. The TSP is intended to serve as a blueprint or master plan to guide transportation decisions to address both short and long term needs over the coming decades. [From the Plan]10810164 bytesapplication/pdfen-USTransportation -- Oregon -- Independence -- PlanningCity planning -- Oregon -- IndependenceLand use -- Oregon -- Independence -- PlanningCentral business districts -- Oregon -- IndependenceBicycle trails -- Oregon -- Independence -- PlanningPedestrian areas -- Oregon -- Independence -- PlanningIndependence : Transportation system planCity of Independence transportation system planBook