Seeley, JohnGreen, Aubrey2024-12-192024-12-192024-12-19 is a public health issue that affects communities worldwide (World Health Organization, 2019). At the community level, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual, or two-spirit (LGBTQ+) individuals die by suicide at a disproportionately higher rate when compared to their heterosexual peers (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, 2022; Aranmolate et al., 2017). While the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has identified suicide prevention as a national priority in the United States (CDC, 2023), there is a need to identify suicide prevention tactics that are informed by the target communities. The present study consists of eleven individual interviews that were conducted with recipients of CDC grant funding aimed at LGBTQ+ suicide prevention in Oregon. A case study approach and thematic analysis of these interview transcripts, as well as grant applications and reports from the grant funded activities will help create a richer understanding of community-based LGBTQ+ suicide prevention efforts. Available literature suggests that suicide prevention efforts lead to positive outcomes at the individual and societal levels. The present study aims to examine community-based suicide prevention efforts among LGBTQ+ communities to contribute to our understanding of how to reduce LGBTQ+ suicides. Findings revealed that impact of community, implementation drivers, and mentorship are all components of community-based suicide prevention. Future policy and community leaders would benefit from intentionally including the voices of community members in the development, delivery, and study of suicide prevention efforts.en-USAll Rights Reserved.2SLGBTQ+CommunityPreventionSuicideExamining Community-Based LGBTQ+ Suicide Prevention in OregonElectronic Thesis or Dissertation