Stockard, JeanDwiggins, Donna2023-04-122023-04-122009-04-11 pagesThe research literature is clear in indicating that all students can learn and schools can be successful learning communities, no matter what the socio-economic or race-ethnic make-up of the student body. Yet, achieving this success requires diligent efforts, and this success can be tenuous. This paper describes the history of an elementary school in a lowincome community with high proportions of racial-ethnic minorities and a long history of very low achievement that implemented Direct Instruction as a whole school reform. Data were gathered through extensive, in-depth interviews with participants and examination of historical records; and the pages below describe Our hope is that, by examining this case study, we can understand more about underlying dynamics that can help other communities.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USTechnical ReportChester, PAUnderlying Dynamics of Low-income SchoolsThe Ups and Downs of Whole School Reform: A Case Study of Success and Its DemiseTechnical Report