Clackamas County (Or.)2014-04-182014-04-182010-09-21 pp. Adopted 2010-09-21. Department of Land Conservation and Development Notice of Adopted AmendmentClackamas County Comprehensive Plan Chapter 5 is the County TSP. Chapter 5 is being amended by the adoption of new policy language and a new Comprehensive Plan Map V-12 (Interchange Management Areas) to support the implementation of three Interchange Management Plans associated with the Sunrise Project. The Sunrise Project FEIS is currently under development and is expected to go to FHWA for final review and approval in late 2010. The Oregon Transportation Commission will be adopting the three lAMPs as amendments to Oregon Transportation Plan this fall. Three informational maps are attached that show the IAMP areas at the parcel level.en-USPublic DomainLand UseClackamas County Notice of Adopted Amendment (2010-09-21)Adopted Plan