Lichucki, Caroline2022-07-282022-07-282022 pagesMy practice finds roots that extend towards the transient, the mundane, and the chthonic. I am informed by my training in traditional forms of drawing, painting, and sculpture. This foundation lays the framework for images and experiential nuances of the body to animate a mythopoetic relationship between the ordinary and extraordinary. In listening to soma and psyche, my artistic process invites the numinous. Throughout my work, from sculpture to drawing, I seek to speak to the spiritual both subtly and dramatically. When working in the vein of drawing and shared imagery, it is my intent to rewrite and constellate complex dynamics related to religious and mythological figures as a feminine revisioning in a patriarchal inheritance. Where my drawings tend towards the psychological and political, sculptural forms are experiential and mysterious in their gesture. They invite the senses and body’s experience.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USMFAHallow | HollowThesis / Dissertation