Cane, John Michael2022-05-032022-05-032022-05-0337 J. Env’t. L. & Litig. 1231049-0280 pagesAs we approach 2025, the Department of Defense (DoD) and its service branches are facing pressure from the public and Congress to improve renewable energy generation and consumption on DoD facilities. However, as the DoD’s largest consumer of energy, the Air Force has a long path ahead if it hopes to be able to increase its renewable energy procurement and production to twenty-five percent of total demand by the statutory goal of 2025 imposed under 10 U.S.C. § 2911. Although the Air Force has had limited success implementing geothermal and photovoltaic energy systems on its installations, the AirForce as an institution has not maximized the use of other sources of renewable energy thus far. This Article will analyze the various sources of renewable energy that are presently available and argue that the Air Force should seek to implement landfill gas-based energy systems on its existing installations in order to increase its renewable energy generation.en-USAll Rights Reserved.Environmental lawNatural resourcesDepartment of DefenseRenewable energyTrash or Treasure Trove? An In-Depth Analysis of the Application of Landfill Gas Technology to Meet Air Force Energy RequirementsArticle