United States. Bureau of Land Management. Salem District2009-01-092009-01-092006-10https://hdl.handle.net/1794/827225 pp. Maps, tables, appendix. Township 4 North, Range 2 West, sections 29 and 31, and Township 4 North, Range 3 West, section 25. Captured July 18, 2007.Announces decision approving two projects. Project 1, the Pig's Puzzle Timber Sale, is a commercial thinning and regeneration harvest timber sale on 277 acres of federal lands in T4N R2W sections 29 and 31, and T4N R3W section 25, Willamette Meridian. This project would also include the following road work: approximately 0.6 miles of new road construction and 2.6 miles of road reconstruction, and decommissioning of approximately 0.6 miles of new and reconstructed roads after completion of the project. Project 2, Road Decommissioning, would decommission approximately 1.0 miles of existing natural-surfaced road in T4N R2W section 29 by removal of three culverts and subsoiling, waterbarring and blocking the road.en-USForest roads -- Oregon -- Salem RegionLogging -- Oregon -- Salem RegionForest thinning -- Oregon -- Salem RegionPublic lands -- Oregon -- Salem RegionPig's Puzzle projects -- reissue decision rationale and finding of no significant impactDecision rationale and finding of no significant impact: Pig's Puzzle projects -- reissueOther