Lowe, Dylan2024-05-202024-05-202024-05-20102 Or. L. Rev. 2390196-2043https://hdl.handle.net/1794/2947930 pagesOregon created some of the most ambitious carbon-neutral goals of any state in the country. However, Oregon failed to achieve meaningful results in curbing greenhouse gas emissions. This Comment’s thesis states that Oregon’s policies on climate change will continue to have two effects. First, the policies will likely not reduce greenhouse gas emissions, ruling the policies ineffective. Second, the policies will increase energy costs with inequitable effects on communities of color, rural communities, and the unhoused population of Oregon.en-USAll Rights Reserved.Environmental lawClimate changeOregon lawRenewable energyCarbon emissionsGreenhouse gasReducing Oregon’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Prioritizing Hydropower and Energy Equity for All OregoniansArticle