Washington County (Or.)Washington County (Or.). Dept. of Land Use and Transportation2007-03-022007-03-022005-02https://hdl.handle.net/1794/3907http://www.co.washington.or.us/deptmts/lut/planning/docs/cedar/left.htm71 pp. Bookmarks modified by UO. Includes maps. Captured February 6, 2007.The Cedar Hills-Cedar Mill Community Plan is one of a number of planning elements which in total comprise the Washington County Comprehensive Plan. The intent of this section is to provide the reader of the Cedar Hills-Cedar Mill Community Plan with a basic understanding of its relationship to the various other Comprehensive Plan elements. In general, the Cedar Hills-Cedar Mill Community Plan is an area and site specific application of County Comprehensive Planning policy and a description of community development activities envisioned for the Planning Area. Implementation of the Cedar Hills-Cedar Mill Community Plan is guided primarily by other Plan elements such as the Community Development Code, the Transportation Plan and the Unified Capital Improvement Plan. [From the Plan]41700111 bytesapplication/pdfen-USNeighborhood planning -- Oregon -- Washington CountyCommunity development -- Oregon -- Washington CountyRegional planning -- Oregon -- Washington CountyLand use -- Oregon -- Washington County -- PlanningCedar Hills (Or.)Cedar Mill (Or.)Washington County : Cedar Hills-Cedar Mill community planCedar Hills-Cedar Mill community plan : Washington County, OregonBook