Campus Planning & Real Estate, University of Oregon2023-09-052023-09-052008-07 pagesFollowing the development of the overall Campus Landscape Preservation Guidelines, a select number of landscape areas were chosen for the creation of site-specific guidelines, acting as test cases for a deeper level of investigation and treatment. The four sites selected for this investigation where chosen based upon distinctive characteristics they contain or unique issues they face. Two areas – Johnson Lane Axis and Pioneer Axis (Women’s Memorial Quadrangle) – were studied in tandem based on their intersecting relationship. Also studied were the Dads’ Gates Axis, an area never fully realized as historically intended, and the Old Campus Quad, one of the oldest developed landscape areas on campus. To inform and direct the studies, the history and evolution of each area were explored. This research helped establish the design intent for each landscape area, to the greatest extent that could be determined. Following this, an analysis of each site was conducted to explore current conditions and determine the historically significant elements to be protected. Items such as circulation, views, and vegetation were examined, recorded, and considered.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USPioneer AxisJohnson Lane AxisDad's Gates AxisOld Campus Quadrangle2.0 Site Specific Preservation Plans and GuidelinesArticle