Marion County (Or.)2014-04-182014-04-182012-05-17 pp. Adopted 2012-05-17. Department of Land Conservation and Development Notice of Adopted AmendmentAmendments to the Marion County Comprehensi ve plan by adopting amendments to the Ci y of Jefferson comprehensive plan including a coordinated population forecast of 5,3 70 for the year 2032, a 29 acre UGB expansion to include city water snd sewer facilities and a city cemetery in the UGB and Marion County zoning designation of Public for properties added to the UGB. * 700 bl N 2nd St, Jefferson (T10S, R3W, Section 2) and 3300 bl Cemeteiy Hill Rd (T10S; R3W, Section 1)en-USPublic DomainLand UseMarion County Notice of Adopted Amendment (2012-05-17)Adopted Plan