Portland (Or.)Portland (Or.). Bureau of PlanningPortland Development CommissionPort of Portland (Or.)E.D. Hovee & Company2008-05-082008-05-082003-02http://www.portlandonline.com/planning/index.cfm?a=59156&c=34252https://hdl.handle.net/1794/6189224 pp. Includes maps and figures. Published February, 2003. Captured May 7, 2008.The Portland Harbor Industrial Lands Study assesses the future land needs of industries in the harbor area, focusing on river-dependent, freight-related, and other concentrated industries there. A secondary purpose is to generally describe the structure, dynamics, and outlook of the urban industrial districts along the harbor. The study will be used as background research for area planning efforts related to land use, economic development, infrastructure, and the natural environment. The City of Portland Bureau of Planning partnered with the Port of Portland and Portland Development Commission in drafting, funding, and overseeing the study. [From the document]2599376 bytesapplication/pdfen-USCity planning -- Oregon -- PortlandLand use -- Oregon -- Portland -- PlanningCommunity development -- Oregon -- PortlandIndustrial districts -- Oregon -- PortlandIndustrial sites -- Oregon -- PortlandCommercial lands -- Oregon -- PortlandPortland : Portland Harbor industrial lands surveyPortland Harbor industrial lands surveyBook