Entrikin, J. LynJewel, LucySalmon, SusieSmith, Craig T.Tiscione, Kristen K.Weresh, Melissa H.2020-01-212020-01-212020-01-1898 OR. L. REV. 10196-2043https://hdl.handle.net/1794/2513252 pagesIn 2014, the American Bar Association (ABA) decided to retain Accreditation Standard 405 in its current form to preserve tenure for law faculty as well as the status, security of position, governance rights, and academic freedom that tenure provides. In doing so, the ABA also preserved the long-standing hierarchy that elevates doctrine-focused faculty over skills-focused faculty. That hierarchy discriminates against skills-focused faculty, particularly those who specialize in legal writing—most of whom are women.en-USAll Rights Reserved.Legal writingAmerican Bar AssociationDiscriminationTreating Professionals Professionally: Requiring Security of Position for All Skills-Focused Faculty Under ABA Accreditation Standard 405(C) and Eliminating 405(D)Article