Klamath Falls (Or.)2009-09-022009-09-022006-05-24http://www.ci.klamath-falls.or.us/content/departments/development/planning/main/static/wrp.pdfhttps://hdl.handle.net/1794/970117 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Maps, figures, tables. Published May 24, 2006. Captured July 27, 2009.This document lays out a transportation plan for safe, affordable, and accessible transportation facilities for all users within the West Side study area. As such, the Plan includes an assessment ofthe existing transportation system; an evaluation of the impacts of growth on the transportation system; an identification of possible alternative improvements; an identification of improvement projects that are included in the preferred alternative; and transportation financing. [From the Plan]en-USTransportation -- Oregon -- Klamath Falls -- PlanningCity planning -- Oregon -- Klamath FallsLand use -- Oregon -- Klamath Falls -- PlanningKlamath Falls : West side refinement plan (2006)Klamath Falls west side refinement plan : Transportation system planBook