Hubbard (Or.)2014-04-012014-04-012008-08-14 pp. Adopted 2008-08-14. Department of Land Conservation and Development Notice of Adopted AmendmentThe request as approved includes the annexation of property approximately 12.7 acres in size, a concurrent Comprehensive Plan Map change from Public to Low Density Residential, and a zone change from Marion County UTF (Urban Transitional Farm) to R-l CLow Density Residential) with a Floodplain Overlay Zone. The approved request also includes a modification to the Hubbard Transportation System Plan (TSP) to not require the extension of a collector street in the vicinity of Barnes Blvd and 10th Street through the subject property.en-USPublic DomainLand UseHubbard Notice of Adopted Amendment (2008-08-14)Adopted Plan