Albany (Or.)MIG, Inc.2007-10-222007-10-222006-03 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes maps and figures. Published March 2006. Captured October 4, 2007.Park. The Timber Linn Park Master Plan addresses neighborhood, community, and citywide needs for a variety of recreation facilities and experiences. It incorporates many different types of recreation opportunities into the unique and appealing park setting at Timber Linn. The Master Plan is based on feedback provided by City residents during a public involvement process. Consequently, the plan supports diverse recreation interests and reflects the vision of the entire community. The implementation of this Master Plan will give the City a park that is uniquely Albany’s, but serves as a regional attraction as well. The park will provide the kind of recreation experiences that the community desires and encourage recreation participation and use from as many residents as possible. [From the Plan]6606894 bytesapplication/pdfen-USCity planning -- Oregon -- AlbanyParks -- Oregon -- Albany -- PlanningRecreation areas -- Oregon -- Albany -- PlanningTimber Linn Park (Albany, Or.)Albany : Timber Linn master planTimber Linn master plan : March 2006Book