Rosenberg, StacyMoseley, Cassandra2017-01-112017-01-112016 pagesIn November 2015, the Oregon Board of Forestry proposed the development of a new rule to expand streamside buffers in western Oregon to better protect salmon, steelhead, and bull trout. The proposed rule would affect the management of forests near small or medium fish-bearing streams west of the crest of the Cascades but not in the Siskiyou region. As part of the rulemaking process, the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) engaged the University of Oregon’s Ecosystem Workforce Program to conduct a survey to assess private forest landowner views on this issue. Survey results are intended to provide ODF with information about how potentially-affected forest landowners view proposed rule changes, current land use practices, and other landowner perspectives on forest management. This report provides an overview of survey results.en-USCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USRiparian areas--ManagementBuffer zones (Ecosystem management)Forest policyLandownersForest landownersOregon. Department of ForestryOregon. Forest Practices ActLandowner perceptions of potential changes to riparian rules under the Forest Practices Act in OregonWorking Paper