Tillamook County (Or.)CH2M Hill, inc.Angelo Planning GroupAlta Planning and DesignEconomic Development Council of Tillamook CountyTillamook County (Or.). Dept. of Community Development2007-08-102007-08-102007-06http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/HWY/REGION2/Highway131TRP.shtmlhttps://hdl.handle.net/1794/482537 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes maps and figures. Published June 2007. Captured August 3, 2007.The Highway 131 Transportation Refinement Plan addresses key transportation issues along Oregon Highway 131 (Highway 131) as it travels through the unincorporated communities of Oceanside and Netarts in western Tillamook County, Oregon (Figure 1). The plan is a refinement of the 2003 Tillamook County Transportation System Plan (TSP), which identifies the need for transportation planning on Highway 131 within and between Oceanside and Netarts. The objectives of the Highway 131 Transportation Refinement Plan are as follows: identify strategies to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety on Highway 131; identify strategies to address parking and circulation in Oceanside and Netarts; identify main street strategies in Oceanside and Netarts to address pedestrian, bicycle, and auto circulation while maintaining the through function of Highway 131; evaluate an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Special Transportation Area (STA) designation for the community of Oceanside. [From the Plan]2449042 bytesapplication/pdfen-USTransportation -- Oregon -- Tillamook County -- PlanningRegional planning -- Oregon -- Tillamook CountyLand use -- Oregon -- Tillamook County -- PlanningRoads -- Oregon -- Tillamook County -- Design and constructionBicycle trails -- Oregon -- Tillamook County -- PlanningPedestrian areas -- Oregon -- Tillamook County -- PlanningNetarts (Or.)Oceanside (Or.)Tillamook County : Highway 131 transportation refinement planHighway 131 transportation refinement plan : Tillamook County, OregonBook