Sidney, Philip, Sir, 1554-1586Bear, Risa Stephanie, 1949-2005-04-132005-04-131995-03 p. Transcribed, with an introduction, notes, and bibliography, by R.S. Bear for the University of Oregon, September-December 1992. Original material copyright 1992, 1995 the editor and the University of Oregon. Converted to HTML by R.S. Bear, March 1995. This etext of Philip Sidney's Defence of Poesie is based on the Scolar Press facsimile of the British Museum's copy (Shelf-mark: C.57.b.38) of the Ponsonby editon of the Defence. It was transcribed in October, 1992 by R.S. Bear of the University of Oregon and proofed by R.S. Bear and Micah Bear. The editor acknowledges the invaluable guidance of Professor William Rockett in making improvements to the Introduction. The letters "j," "u" and "v" have been normalized for the modern reader, and catchwords eliminated; otherwise the old spellings have been retained. As in the original Ponsonby text, there is neither paragraphing nor pagination. Quotations found in the original in the Greek alphabet have generally been transliterated, and a few corrections of compositor's typographical errors or omissions have been made which will be found within square brackets. Endnotes are serially numbered and are enclosed within braces. Copyright (1992) for this edition belongs to the University of Oregon; it is freely distributed for nonprofit scholarly and teaching purposes only.321114 bytesapplication/pdfen-USDefence of poesie (Ponsonby, 1595)Apologie for poetrieBook