Detroit Ranger District (Or.)2008-05-132008-05-132007-10 pp. Map, appendices. T 12 S, R 7 E, Sections 2-4, 9-11, and 15-16; T 11 S, R 7 E, Sections 32-34. Captured January 18, 2008.Announces decision to implement Alternative 2 to begin harvesting timber (including thinning, shelterwood, and regeneration harvest) on about 1668 acres. Includes reopening of 3.5 miles of temporary spur roads and maintenance of 28.76 miles of existing system roads.274223 bytesapplication/pdfen-USForest management -- Oregon -- Willamette National ForestForest thinning -- Oregon -- Willamette National ForestForest roads -- Oregon -- Willamette National ForestPresley's Twin project decision notice and finding of no significant impactDecision notice and finding of no significant impact: Presley's Twin projectOther