University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning WorkshopAbbott, StephenHavener, JoshuaKhut, RithyPromes, MollyFertig, SashaWest, AmandaParker, Robert2016-02-092016-02-092010-11 pagesTransportation planners, the auto industry, and consumers are seeking alternatives to the internal combustion engine. Electric vehicles (EVs) are an increasingly feasible alternative and may soon be widely available to individual consumers and businesses. EVs, however, represent a nascent technology and their implications for cities and transportation systems have yet to be fully understood. This report identifies and analyzes key issues and opportunities related to the adoption of EVs in the EugeneâSpringfield metropolitan region.en-USCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USCommunity developmentLand use planningElectric vehiclesCharging station infrastructureCommunity needs assessmentCommunity Planning WorkshopCommunity & Regional PlanningCommunity Service CenterEugene (Or.)Springfield (Or.)Eugene Water & Electric BoardOregon Transportation Research and Education ConsortiumInternal combustion engineOregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium (OTREC)Nascent technologyElectric Vehicle Charging Station Infostructure Community Needs AssessmentOther