Salem (Or.)2014-04-022014-04-022009-10-20 pp. Adopted 2009-10-20. Department of Land Conservation and Development Notice of Adopted AmendmentAmendments to Salem Revised Code (SRC) Chapters 145 through 160 modifying the provisions of the RA (Residential Agriculture), RS (Single Family Residential), RD (Duplex Residential), RM1 & RM2 (Multiple Family Residential), RH (Multiple Family High Rise Residential), CO (Commercial Office), CN (Neighborhood Commercial), CR (Retail Commercial), CG (General Commercial), CB (Central Business District), IC (Industrial Commercial), IBC (Industrial Business Campus), IP (Industrial Park), IG (General Industrial), II (Intensive Industrial), and P (Public Use) zone districts to allow the Planning Administrator to refer those uses which cannot be readily classified under the provisions of the zoning code to the Planning Commission for a formal interpretation as provided under SRC 113.090(d); and to allow an existing non-conforming use to be changed to another nonconforming use with conditional use approval as provided under SRC 112.040(c).en-USPublic DomainLand UseSalem Notice of Adopted Amendment (2009-10-20)Adopted Plan