Stockard, Jean2023-06-202023-06-201985 entry includes five separate PDF files: "Main article (1985 version)" 17 pages, "Main article (1986 version)" 19 pages, "Questionnaires" 321 pages, "Data and other" 95 pages, and "Codebook and frequencies" 254 pages.This paper examines the relative status of women school administrators using data from a representative, national sample. Results indicate that the administrators varied significantly on prestige-related variables (salary, number of people supervised, and size of district) and that it was possible to differentiate distinct groups of women administrators using these variables. Very few (7.5%) held high status position, while a substantial minority (32%) were in relatively low status posts. Members of the status groups also differed from each other on a variety of career-related, demographic, and lifestyle related variables.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USprestige-related variablesstatus differentiationsocial classThe Relative Status of Women Administrators: Not a Unitary GroupOther