Talent (Or.)University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning, Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop2006-12-302006-12-302006-07http://cityoftalent.org/vertical/Sites/%7BAA1CCE57-8F49-4306-B28A-3A526BAB71E9%7D/uploads/%7B4E954149-792B-4CBE-B405-4D4E333FBF1C%7D.PDFhttps://hdl.handle.net/1794/3767144 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes diagrams and figures. Published July 2006. Captured December 4, 2006.The Plan guides future development and management efforts for the Talent park system over the next 24 years. Specifically the Plan: provides an inventory of existing parks and an analysis of appropriate park classifications and standards; identifies current and future park needs using input from the community as well as technical data; includes a capital improvement plan (CIP) that enables the City to achieve its goals; creates a strategy for short and long-term land acquisition; and identifies potential funding techniques and sources to implement the CIP. [From the Plan]3882772 bytesapplication/pdfCity planning -- Oregon -- TalentParks -- Oregon -- Talent -- PlanningRecreation areas -- Oregon -- Talent -- PlanningTalent : Master parks planCity of Talent master parks plan