Klebes, Martin2019-02-202019-02-202015Klebes, M. (2015). Mutiny of an Error: Wittgenstein and Kierkegaard on Suicide. Konturen, 7, 216-234. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5399/uo/konturen.7.0.36641947-3796https://hdl.handle.net/1794/2440719 pagesIn their philosophical work Ludwig Wittgenstein and Søren Kierkegaard both reflect on suicide as a response to existential despair. While Anti-Climacus, the pseudonymous author of The Sickness unto Death, rejects the contemplation of suicide as an outright barrier to an "awakening" of the self to its own sinful condition, Wittgenstein's diary notes betray a different attitude towards such thinking; while he largely concurs with Kierkegaard's characterization of despair, Wittgenstein strikes a less confident pose concerning the possibility of a leap into faith that would all at once overcome any though of suicide.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USMutiny of an Error: Wittgenstein and Kierkegaard on SuicideArticle10.5399/uo/konturen.7.0.3664