Mosier (Or.)Cogan Owens Cogan (Firm)David Evans and Associates2007-08-032007-08-032003-05-12DVD provided by Oregon Dept. of Transportation pp. Includes maps and figures. Published May 12, 2003. Received from ODOT January 2, 2007.This plan is intended to help guide the future growth and development of Mosier, focusing specifically on future transportation facilities and development in downtown Mosier along the Historic Columbia River Highway (Highway 30 in downtown Mosier). It identifies proposed future road, bicycle, pedestrian and related public facilities, as well as future land uses, and design and building standards for the downtown. [From the Plan]6258118 bytesapplication/pdfen-USTransportation -- Oregon -- Mosier -- PlanningCity planning -- Oregon -- MosierLand use -- Oregon -- Mosier -- PlanningCentral business districts -- Oregon -- MosierBicycle trails -- Oregon -- Mosier -- PlanningPedestrian areas -- Oregon -- Mosier -- PlanningMosier : Downtown and local street network planDowntown and local street network plan for the City of MosierBook