North Fork John Day Ranger District (Or.)2008-06-252008-06-252007-05-20 pp. T.6S. R. 32E. Sections 15, 16. Captured June 19, 2008.Announces decision to commercially thin 170 MBF from 70 acres along 1-2 miles of Forest Roads 5209 and 5209-916 in order to improve sustainability and promote stand vigor by reducing competition for light, nutrients, and moisture; encourage healthy stands with species compositions within the range of natural variability; reduce the probability of epidemic level infestations of insects and disease; and reduce ladder fuels to lessen the likelihood of high intensity fires.27947 bytesapplication/pdfen-USForest management -- Umatilla National Forest (Or. and Wash.)Forest thinning -- Umatilla National Forest (Or. and Wash.)Skull timber sale decision memoDecision memo: Skull timber saleOther