Stockard, JeanGray, Jo AnnaO'Brien, Robert M.Stone, Joe A.2023-04-172023-04-172009-03Stockard, J., Gray, J., O’Brien, R. M., & Stone, J. (2009). Race Differences in Cohort Effects on Non-Marital Fertility in the United States: Reply to Martin. Social Forces, 87(3), 1489—1497. pagesWe appreciate the opportunity to clarify and provide additional tests of the key elements of our age-period-cohort analysis of non-marital birth rates in this March 2009 issue of Social Forces. Where Steve Martin, in the robustness of our results and strengthened the case for our interpretations. The points Martin raises and our responses should help to clarify the nature of cohort effects and our interpretation of them. We thank Martin for his close attention to our paper.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USProject MuseAge Period InteractionsCohort CharacteristicsRace Differences in Cohort Effects on Non-Marital Fertility in the United States: Reply to MartinArticle