Lybarger, Pamela2017-06-082017-06-082017-06-01 workbook of data coded according to Ochoa et al. (1997) factors and the Contextual Interaction Theory categories and characteristics used in the dissertation of "Analysis of Specific Learning Disability Exclusionary Clause."The dissertation data for "Analysis of Specific Learning Disability Exclusionary Clause" was coded according to Ochoa et al. (1997) factors for criteria in the determination of SLD exclusionary clause (i.e., environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage) with the use of Contextual Interaction Theory categories.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USContextual Interaction TheoryExclusionary clauseSpecific learning disabilityenvironmental, cultural or economic disadvantageAnalysis of Specific Learning Disability Exclusionary Clause, Ochoa et alexclusionary criteriaspecial educationCoded Data for "Analysis of Specific Learning Disability Exclusionary Clause"Dataset