Reiblich, JesseAnkersen, Thomas2017-05-232017-05-232017-05-2232 J. ENVTL. L. & LITIG. 711049-0280 pagesThis Article first examines the legal status of guts — the ephemeral streams of the U.S. Virgin Islands that typically flow only after rainfall — in the Virgin Islands within the Territory’s existing laws and legal precedents. Next, it looks to other jurisdictions for guidance regarding best practices for regulating intermittent and ephemeral waterways, and methods of ensuring government access to these waterways for better management and protection. Finally, it proposes certain proprietary, regulatory, and management policy measures that could be implemented within this legal framework to better manage and protect guts for the entire Territory.en-USAll Rights Reserved.Property rightsVirgin IslandsGot Guts? The Iconic Streams of the U.S. Virgin Islands and the Law’s Ephemeral EdgeArticle