Boyington, ElizabethSchmuck, Patricia A.Stockard, Jean2024-06-272024-06-271977-08, 90 pagesThe Center for Educational Policy and Management is a national center located on the campus of the University of Oregon and is vitally concerned with major issues confronting the educational world today. The placement of individuals in jobs in the field is of prime importance and deserves significant attention. Thus the center has a keen interest in decision making and the placement of people in different kinds of employment in education. Recent literature and research has already provided a wealth of information on leadership styles of educators, career paths of school officials, and various patterns of vacancies with the subsequent filling of these positions. However, there is virtually no research that has looked at how school districts make decisions relating to personnel or how they determine who is the best person for the job. The purposes of this study were three-fold. The first purpose was to document the process used in decision-making in the recruitment, screening and the selection of a high level administrative position in a large school district. The second was to structure a framework for decision making to provide a model for the selection of the right candidate to meet the job criteria. The third consideration was to interpret and to relate how the selection and recommendation committee deals with the mandate concerning Affirmative Action.en-USCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USadministrative positionsdecision-makingSex Equity in Educational LeadershipThe Selection of a School Administrator - The Screening Process Involved. A Report.Article