Portland (Or.). Bureau of PlanningPortland (Or.)2008-12-042008-12-042006-09http://www.portlandonline.com/planning/index.cfm?c=44012&a=150295https://hdl.handle.net/1794/79832 pp. Revised September, 2006. Captured December 4, 2008.Portland's Zoning Code includes special provisions that encourage new historic listings and increase the potential for historic structures to be renovated and rehabilitated by increasing land use flexibility and redevelopment options. The incentives are not applicable in every situation and some apply only to certain types of resources. Many require a land use review and a covenant with the City. The summaries below include references to specific Zoning Code sections which include more detail. [From the document]en-USHistoric buildings -- Oregon -- PortlandHistoric sites -- Oregon -- PortlandHistoric districts -- Oregon -- PortlandCity planning -- Oregon -- PortlandPortland : Summary of Portland historic preservation zoning incentivesSummary of Portland historic preservation zoning incentivesBook